Is Elon Musk’s Twitter debacle the end of the techbro cult or the beginning of something worse?
News & Comment
News from Berlin and Germany, 1st December 2022
Weekly news roundup from Berlin and Germany
Wir packen’s an
Emergency help for refugees
Support Pakistani Workers fighting Climate Change and Crisis
Call for Solidarity from the Haqooq-e-Khalq Party in Pakistan
Promiscuous Profit, Fickle Allyship, and the Qatar World Cup
Elite nations wipe crocodile tears for LGBTQ+ people with the blood money their capitalist class makes in alliance with the Qatari autocracy
Umverteilen! Redistribute! – Demo impressions
Photographs from the November Umverteilen demo against high prices and low wages.
Israeli scholar cancelled by German teaching union – this cannot continue
Protest letter to chairs of the GEW education union
Why and How we are Challenging the Bundestag Resolution on BDS
Interview with Christoph Glanz (Bundestag 3 for Palestine)
Palestinians reach out to gender equality and LGBTIQ+ activist groups
Draft e-mails asking for support for a European Citizens Initiative against trade with the occupied territories