News from Berlin and Germany, 2nd October 2024

Weekly news round-up from Berlin and Germany



Raid on pro-Palestinian scene

Berlin police searched the homes of five men last Monday morning. The men are suspected of having made pro-Palestinian offences, police and the public prosecutor’s office announced that. A total of 125 officers executed five search warrants in the districts of Friedrichshain, Britz, Gropiusstadt, Tegel and Schöneberg on behalf of the Berlin public prosecutor’s office. Mobile phones, computers and other data carriers were seized during the searches and are now being analysed. No arrests were made. The Berlin police were also deployed on Monday due to a pro-Palestinian blockade. According to the police, around 20 people blocked the entrances to the Konrad Adenauer Foundation. Source: tagesschau



Green Party leaders Ricarda Lang and Omid Nouripour resign

The Greens have suffered heavy defeats in the state elections in Thuringia, Saxony and Brandenburg. As a consequence, the party leadership has now decided to resign. ‘New faces are needed to lead the party out of the crisis,’ says Ricarda Lang. She still added, ‘Now is not the time to stick to your own chair, now is the time to take responsibility’. Until the party conference in Wiesbaden in mid-November, Nouripour and she would continue to run the business. The decision had not been easy. ‘It was a great honour to serve this party.’ Source: die Welt

BSW co-chair advocates a new approach to the AfD

The co-chair of the Sahra Wagenknecht Alliance (BSW), Amira Mohamed Ali, has once again ruled out a coalition between her party and the AfD. At the same time, however, she reiterated her call for a different approach to the AfD. The BSW has always clearly stated that a coalition with the AfD is out of the question because this party is, at least in part, right-wing extremist. ‘But we have also always said that we want a different approach to the AfD than the other parties have taken over the past ten years or so,’ added Ali. Source: Spiegel

No more German passports because of the slogan ‘From the River to the Sea’?

The Federal Ministry of the Interior (BMI) sees the slogan ‘From the River to the Sea’ as a possible reason for exclusion from acquiring the German citizenship. This emerges from the BMI’s ‘provisional application notes’ on the new Citizenship Act. The new law, which came into force on 27 June 2024, is intended to enable well-integrated people to naturalise more quickly – after five years instead of the previous eight. The slogan makes reference to the area between the Jordan River and the Mediterranean Sea, which includes Israel and the Palestinian territories. Source: islamiq

‘I feel betrayed by both countries’

David Macou was 19 years old when he came to the GDR as a contract labourer from Mozambique in 1979. The promise: vocational training and money with which he could build a future back in his country. However, what he and others on the same situation didn’t know was that they were just puppets in an intergovernmental horse-trading deal between the GDR and Mozambique. There was hardly any contact with the local population. They encountered prejudice everywhere. David felt cheated by both countries: by the GDR, which withheld his wages, and by Mozambique, which had barely passed the money from Germany on to the contract workers. Source: rbb

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