Daniel Bax writes for the taz about interior and foreign poilice in Germany, the Left Party and the new "Bündnis Sahra Wagenknecht" (BSW). His published books include "Angst im Abendland" (2015) about anti-Muslim racism was published. and “Die Volksverführer. Warum Rechtspopulisten so erfolgreich sind.” (2018)
Daniel Bax
Daniel Bax writes for the taz about interior and foreign poilice in Germany, the Left Party and the new "Bündnis Sahra Wagenknecht" (BSW). His published books include "Angst im Abendland" (2015) about anti-Muslim racism was published. and “Die Volksverführer. Warum Rechtspopulisten so erfolgreich sind.” (2018)