John Mullen is an anticapitalist activist living in the Paris region since the 1980s. He is a supporter of the France Insoumise.
France in 2022: the People’s Union, and Mélenchon
French Presidential Elections: the Meaning of the First Round Results
How Useful is Jean-Luc Mélenchon (part two): Taming the Capitalist State?
Elections and Class Struggle in France: How useful is Jean-Luc Mélenchon? (Part One)
Obituary: Neil Faulkner, historian, archaeologist and revolutionary (1958-2022)
France: Vaccination, Health Pass Protests, and the Left
A promising fightback against fascism in France
How dangerous is Marine Le Pen?
Racist offensive against Muslims in France
Paris Demo Supports Black MP against Racist Magazine