Reclaim Your Kiez

We are here again in 2014 fighting Nazis


For the fourth year in a row, the anti-fascist demo Reclaim Your Kiez will be taking place in Treptow-Köpenick. And it is more important than ever. The AfD has not just become the strongest force in our district in the European elections. It is currently lying ahead in the polls for the East German States Saxony, Thüringen and Brandenburg. We are all noticing how the country and our district are continuing to turn to the right.

The AfD is not just planning the deportation of millions of people in Germany. Through their success in the European elections and their good results in the polls, Nazis are feeling generally stronger in their inhumane ideology, and are increasingly appearing in our Kiezes, whether in the form of Nazi stickers and graffiti, leaflets at schools and S-Bahn stations, or martial arts training in our parks. The Fascists are more self-confident, which has resulted in many attacks on people campaigning for democratic parties, migrants, and anti-fascists.


This is why we need a broad alliance which stands against the Nazis everywhere, resolutely and consistently. But at the same time as building a broad alliance, we must also criticise the current government policy. The demand for and implementation of more and more deportations, the racism of the Centre, the further dismantling of asylum rights, and the deathly isolationist policy of Fortress Europe normalise the inhumane ideology of the Nazis and push forward the shift to the right.


In this political climate, and this country, with its Nazi history, a debate has been started about so-called “imported antisemitism”, while nothing is said about the Nazi networks in the German security services. The AfD is being presented as a normal party. This is not just hypocritical, but also highly dangerous. If you play the important struggle against anti-Muslim racism and the equally important fight against antisemitism against each other, you give encouragement to the Nazis.

But German politics and the “middle of society” sees the Left and so-called aliens as more of an enemy than the right wing. Increasingly blatant deportation plans and repression of anti-fascists are added to a German history since the Second World War which is riddled with numerous continuations from the Nazis in politics and economics. All this on top of a German colonial history which has only been dealt with superficially.

We declare a fight against all forms of discrimination! We will not accept sexism, homophobia or racism – in particular anti-Muslim racism, as well as antisemitism – either worldwide or in our Kiez! The German complicity in global relations of oppression and exploitation offers the breeding ground from which the fascist ideology of the AfD can thrive and grow.


Let us make a strong signal against exclusion, oppression, and all sorts of Nazis.

Join us on Saturday, 7th December, at 2pm at S-Bahn Plänterwald for the Reclaim Your Kiez Demo 2024