Every year, theleftberlin invite you to our Summer Camp – a week-end of discussion, culture and networking in the Naturfreundehaus Hermsdorf on the edge of Berlin. Participation is free, as is accommodation.
Highlights of this year’s Summer Camp include Ferat Koçak and Asma Rharmaoui-Claquin (NPF candidate in the last French Elections) on the Far Right in Europe, and a panel on Palestine Solidarity in Europe with Palestinian laywer and activist Nadija Samour and representatives of the Irish Bloc and the Bloque Latinoamericano.
In other workshops, campaigns like Right2TheCity (Deutsche Wohnen & Co Enteignen), Sudan Uprising, and the Bloque Latinoamericano introduce themselves. We look at India under Modi, Palestine and the surrounding Arab States, Gender and Disability, Where the German Left is going, and the Ecology of War. And a panel of artists will look at Art and Resistance.
There is also a culture programme, including a live performance by As Per Casper.
Summer Camp is free, but we do ask for a donation to cover food costs.
You can see the full programme here.
Getting there
The Naturfreundehaus Hermsdorf is in Berlin Zone B, a short bus ride away from U- and S-Bahn Wittenau (get the 220 bus to Almutstraße), On Saturday, we will be travelling together from Berlin. Meet at Alexanderplatz at 11.50 on the U8 platform at the front of the train to Wittenau.