A closer look at an immigration-critical debate—and where participants got the facts wrong
Articles with tag “2025 German Elections Dossier”
Free Palestine!
Statement by Ferat Kocak, Linke parliamentary candidate for Neukölln
Are There Any Leftist Candidates in Friedrichshain-Kreuzberg?
The once rebellious district was long represented by the legendary Hans-Christian Ströbele. He died in 2022, and his replacement is retiring. Who can lefty Kreuzbergers and Friedrichshainers vote for?
AfD plans Deportation ticket for non-Germans
In the run up to the German elections, the AfD make their racist plans clear
Germany is Remilitarising, Again
Facing an Increasingly Rightwing Society and a Threat From the East, Politicians are Placing their Bets on a Militarised Germany