On the 83rd anniversary of the bombing of Guernica, we republish this article from our old Website, originally written for the 80th anniversary.
Articles with tag “Culture & Sport”
The Problem of Pablo Picasso
Introduction Picasso poses a problem for the supporters of Marxist-Leninist view of socialist art. What ideology – both subjectively and objectively – did he represent? What are the advocates of realism in the arts to make of Picasso’s love of gross anatomical distortions? How do most people react to his, perhaps most famous work […]
David Bowie Obituary
On the anniversaries of David Bowie’s birth and death, we reproduce an obituary by Phil Butland from our old Website
Racism, Repression and Revolution – 50 years Planet Of The Apes
It’s one of the most celebrated scenes in film history. A man kneels in rags on an empty beach. As the camera pans out we see a familiar shape in the distance – the Statue of Liberty, waist deep in the sand. The man looks at the statue and shouts “Oh my God. I’m back. […]