Photos by Phil Butland, Michael Ferschke, Doris Hammer, Julie Niederhauser, Einde O’Callaghan, Rene Paulokat, Jaime Martinez Porro and Alper Sirin
Articles with tag “Demonstrations & Direct Action”
At last a large-scale fightback against islamophobia in France?
Islamophobia is hitting the headlines again in France, as over 20 000 marched joyfully against it in Paris on Sunday, singing and chanting, backed by major trade unions and radical Left parties. Are we finally seeing a real shift in the dreadful politics of the French Left on islamophobia? A huge row about Islam and racism […]
Photo Gallery: 5 June 2019 – Solidarity with the Sudanese Revolution
Photos by Hossam El-Hamalawy. Reproduced with permission