This evening, 25th October 2021, Die LINKE Berlin working groups Internationals and Queer were planning to hold a public meeting on Trans rights. This is why the meeting was postponed.
Articles with tag “Gender & Sexuality”
Demo for Choice: 18th September 2021, Berlin
On 18th September, we demonstrated against the fundamentalist “Marsch des Lebens”. Here are some photos.
“Domestic violence is a global problem”
Interview with the director of a new award-winning documentary
The Nazi and Misogynist History of Alternative für Deutschland
The AfD is not a normal party. This is their main candidate in Berlin-Mitte
Why we are Protesting for the Right to Religious Expression
A new ruling could result in headscarves being banned throughout the EU. This is a serious attack on the rights of Muslim Women. Interview with Asha Faria-Vare