Rebellious Daughters of History #49
Articles with tag “Gender & Sexuality”
Irène Joliot-Curie and Louise Thompson Patterson
Rebellious Daughters of History #48 by ,,Judy Cox Marie Curie’s socialist, scientist daughter Irène Joliot-Curie (1897 – 1956) Irène was the daughter of Marie Curie and Pierre Curie, born in Paris in 1897. Her father was killed in a carriage accident in 1906. Marie Curie was now a single mum. She joined “The Cooperative”, in […]
Anne Ellis and the 1875 Weavers Union Strike; and the Women’s Bus Strike 1918
Rebellious Daughters of History #46 by ,,Judy Cox Anne Ellis and the Dewsbury weavers’ strike (1875) On 1 February 1875, weavers In West Yorkshire learned that mill owners planned to impose a wage cut of two to three shillings per week. Male and female weavers walked out of the Stubley and Taylor mills in Batley. […]
The Uprising of the 20,000 and Clara Lemlich
Rebellious Daughters of History #45 by ,,Judy Cox The Uprising of the 20,000 On November 23, 1909, more than twenty thousand Yiddish-speaking immigrants, mostly young women in their teens and early twenties, launched an eleven-week general strike in New York’s shirtwaist industry. Workers shared common grievances about wages, hours, workplace safety, and workplace indignities suffered […]
The Chocolate Women’s Strike and The Atlanta Laundresses Strike
Rebellious Daughters of History #44 by Judy Cox Inspired by the Tower Hamlets Unison Strike: The Chocolate Women’s Strike Clementina Black, secretary of the ‘Women’s Trade Union League’, organised a meeting for the young women working at Messrs Allen’s chocolate factory on 10 July 1890: “Twelve girls came, and their dread of being followed, watched […]