Reports that Angela Merkel’s government is dealing well with the Covid pandemic are not based in reality
Articles with tag “Germany”
Germany is protecting the economy, not the people
Angela Merkel’s speech to the nation called for “social distance”, but health protection in the workplace is neglected
Photo Gallery – 15 February 2020 against the AfD in Erfurt
18 000 demonstrated on February 15 on the streets of Erfurt to protest the dangerous political games of FDP and CDU with AfD and declare that there is no space for Nazis, in the government and everywhere else. After a rally at Dom Square, the demo walked through the central streets of the city up […]
News round-up 15th February 2020
GERMANY State apparatus moves to ramp up deportations Horst Seehofer wants new police powers to carry out immigration checks beyond border areas and use Tasers on detainees. Meanwhile, police propose that seats on deportation flights are not assigned to specific people until the last minute. This would give them more time to fill the planes […]
Photo Gallery – 24 August 2019 – #unteilbar in Dresden
Photos by Phil Butland, Michael Ferschke, Doris Hammer, Julie Niederhauser, Einde O’Callaghan, Rene Paulokat, Jaime Martinez Porro and Alper Sirin