On Berlin’s housing crunch – and responses to it
Articles with tag “Housing & Gentrification”
How a viral Facebook post came to symbolise Berlin’s growing housing crisis
An online advert for a bathroom sublet has a lot to say about the state of housing in the city
From IWS to Liebig34: Solidarity!
This is a letter from International Women* Space (IWS). IWS was formed in December 2012 during the Refugee Movement’s occupation of the former Gerhart-Hauptmann School in Berlin-Kreuzberg. The letter concerns the planned eviction of the Liebig34 squat, which is planned for later this week. The eviction has been initiated by the “owner” of Liebig34, Gijora […]
Deutsche Wohnen & Co Enteignen
Fair Rents for all – Expropriate the big landlords