All out to 1 May in Grunewald!
Articles with tag “Housing & Gentrification”
Bizim Kiez
For lively neighbourhoods and a city of solidarity
Film Review – Start Wearing Purple
A film about the fight against gentrification in Berlin gives a sense of how we can win. A sequel about the messy aftermath would be just as informative
Become More – Insights from the engine room of the campaign “Deutsche Wohnen und Co Enteignen”
An interview with Judith and Leonie from the DWE Sammel-AG (working group for collecting support)
Joint Declaration on VOTING RIGHTS FOR ALL
Open Letter (and video) from Aktionsbündnis Antira, Deutsche Wohnen & Co enteignen, Nicht ohne uns 14 % and nearly 50 other organisations to the Berln Senat