An international group of activists and organisers are rallying against a city-wide ban on commemorations of the Nakba last year under the slogan “Freedom of speech is a human right”
Articles with tag “Palestine Solidarity”
Radio Berlin International #20 – Berlin Election / Joyland / Escalation in Palestine
feat. Deutsche Wohnen & Co. Enteignen, Dr Fazila Bhimji and Nakba Day protests
LINKE Berlin city councillor criticizes bans on demonstrations on Nakba Day 2022
115 people detained. 25 fined over €300 each. This is an attack on our basic right to assembly
“When colonized people call for solidarity, the Left should respond”
Interview with Stefan Christoff (from Musicians for Palestine) about organising concerts, fighting colonialism and boycotting the Pop-Kultur festival
Radio Berlin International#18 – Wir haben es Satt / Stop Trade With Settlements / Oh Jeremy Corbyn
with Inka Lange from the Wir Haben Agrarindustrie Satt! Coalition, Doris Ghannam from the ECCP, and Norman Thomas, producer of “Oh, Jeremy Corbyn – The Big Lie”: