Recent cases show that non-White, and particularly Palestinian, academics still face discrimination in Germany
Articles with tag “Palestine Solidarity”
Life under perpetual violence. Travel report from Palestine
As part of an international delegation, Julia Kaiser took part in discussions and worked with the youth festival of the Palestinian People’s Party. In parallel she visited different locations and got an idea of life under the Israeli occupation.
“Germany can’t just put its head in the sand because of the Holocaust.”
Interview with Wieland Hoban, chair of Jüdische Stimme für gerechten Frieden in Nahost
Radio Berlin International #12 – Poland-Belarus Border/Land Reform/Anti-Palestinian Racism
with Magda Qandil who has recently returned from the border between Poland and Belarus, Activists from Movimento dos Trabalhadores Rurais, and Emily Baumgartner and Phil Butland on the court victory of Farah Maraqa
Verdict announced in the case of Farah Maraqa vs. DW: Victory, but vindication awaits
“The judge asked if Farah understood that she won”, recalled an eyewitness of Maraqa’s trial. Will Farah’s reinstatement be followed by the reputational rehabilitation she deserves?