Florian Gutsche from VVN-BdA on the anniversary of Nazi Germany’s defeat. Feminist activist Sasha on opposition to Putin’s aggression within Russia. Palestine Speaks members on Israeli occupation.
Articles with tag “Palestine Solidarity”
Berlin Demonstration Bans are Linked
Three apparently unrelated cases tell us a lot about anti-racism, the Palestine discussion in Germany and the politics of Franziska Giffey
Palestine Institute for Public Diplomacy (PIPD)
Connecting Digitally. Mobilizing Towards Liberation
IU Berlin calls for an end to the criminalization of the pro-Palestinian movement
The assembly denounces the pressure on the movement in defense of the Palestinian people, the banning of its demonstrations, as well as media manipulation.
LIVE: Die andauernde Nakba und die Rolle der Linken in Deutschland
Watch the event here / Sehen Sie sich die Veranstaltung hier an