“The judge asked if Farah understood that she won”, recalled an eyewitness of Maraqa’s trial. Will Farah’s reinstatement be followed by the reputational rehabilitation she deserves?
Articles with tag “Policing & Justice”
Berlin Court Finds Deutsche Welle Unlawfully Dismissed Journalist Farah Maraqa
Palestinian journalist wins court appeal in Berlin on all counts
Lying Whore, Lying Whore, Lying Whore, Lying Whores: Amber Heard and Women’s Right to Bear Witness
Why Were People so Ready to Believe that Heard was Lying – About Everything?
Palestinian Journalist fired from Deutsche Welle seeks justice: Trial report
“It’s a step forward”, said Farah Maraqa, one of 7 Arab journalists fired from Deutsche Welle based on allegations of antisemitism. Will Farah be able to clear her reputation from this false allegation?
Why is the Egyptian Dictator Abdelfattah el-Sisi visiting Berlin?
Germany is courting a murderous régime. This is an insult to the many political prisoners in Egypt’s jails