Do not use the COP27 Climate Summit to greenwash the el-Sisi dictatorship
Articles with tag “Policing & Justice”
No Climate Justice Without An Open Civic Space
Call to Action: Protest rally in Berlin around the COP27 Climate Summit. Friday 4th November at 12 noon.
“This is a circus or a charade in order to greenwash the Egyptian military dictatorship”
Interview with Egyptian journalist Hossam el-Hamalawy about next month’s climate summit in the “Las Vegas of Egypt”
After the Referendum in Chile: The Causes of the Uprising Remain
In Chile, nearly two-thirds of people rejected the new Constitution. Two years ago, three quarters supported a new Constitution, What has happened? Interview with Sam Flewett in Concón
Verdict announced in the case of Farah Maraqa vs. DW: Victory, but vindication awaits
“The judge asked if Farah understood that she won”, recalled an eyewitness of Maraqa’s trial. Will Farah’s reinstatement be followed by the reputational rehabilitation she deserves?