The Israeli Berliner Yuval Carasso was injured by Berlin police, and now is supposed to pay a €2,000 fine
Articles with tag “Policing & Justice”
FMP1’s new room booking policy bans Palestine-solidarity
As the “Neues Deutschland Building” forces groups to sign a contract about Israel to use its space, the list of rooms for discussing Palestine in Berlin shrink even further
Academic Freedom Dies Not With a Bang, But a Whimper
Interview with Lola from Hands of Student Rights about a new law threatening expulsions of politically active students in Berlin
++ BREAKING NEWS ++ Court decision in favour of Oyoun confirms our integrity and ends defamation
Court rules that claims made in the Tagesspiegel are false
HANDS OFF STUDENT RIGHTS: Campaign Against Forced Exmatriculation
Demonstration: Rotes Rathaus, Tuesday 26th March, midday