A victory for Lula in the coming elections would be a massive gain for the Left in Brazil and worldwide. For this reason, we must critically look at some of his positions and the underlying limitations of Workers Party politics.
Articles with tag “Politics”
Don’t believe everything you read on facebook
How you can make sure that the information you are sharing is actually true.
Elections and Class Struggle in France: How useful is Jean-Luc Mélenchon? (Part One)
With the French Socialist Party in ruins, the France Insoumise is proposing a new version of left reformism. How useful is it to French working people?
New European Citizens Initiative: push EU to ban trade with Illegal Israeli Settlements
An initiative for EU legislation that will end illicit trade and profits from war crimes and human rights abuses
Obituary: Neil Faulkner, historian, archaeologist and revolutionary (1958-2022)
Marxist historian Neil Faulkner remembered by John Mullen, who knew him, on and off, since the 1970s