The manufactured outrage over Abbas’ remarks obscures Israel’s routine exploitation of the Holocaust. Guest article by journalist and blogger Richard Silverstein
Articles with tag “Racism and Fascism”
Israel gave up on Raoul Wallenberg: In return Sergei Lavrov voices anti-Semitic views and closes the Jewish Agency
Guest Article from one of Israel’s foremost human rights lawyers
WEAREBORNFREE! Humanity Matters
Visible art by black and people of colour (BIPoC) artists
“Your class and education decide whether you can vote in Germany”
Read Phil Butland’s interview with Voting Rights Activist Sanaz Azimipour from Nicht Ohne Uns -14%
Putinisher Beobachter – Documenting How Nazis and far-right journalists in Russia Engage in War Propaganda
New Research from Russia shows the extent of Nazi Influence on State Media