Organising socialists with “migration background”
Articles with tag “Racism and Fascism”
Eight minutes and 46 seconds
Theses on the Police and White Supremacist Killings of African Americans in the USA
Photo Gallery: Berlin against racism
Alexanderplatz 6 June 2020 Photos by Phil Butland, Ian Clotworthy, Walker Gawande, Hanna Grześkiewicz, Antony Hamilton, Franziska Hofmann, Ferat Kocak, Bridget Kronqvist, Thom McGath, Julie Niederhauser and Antigoni Ntonti
Gallery – Remember George Floyd. Protests in Berlin: 30-31 May
Photos by Bridget Kronqvist and Julie Niederhauser
Schulpflicht in Times of Corona is Racist – and Murderous
Even when there isn’t a deadly virus roaming the streets and the U-Bahn, the German school system is still racist af