The One Body Initiative for Gaza

Fundraising by Palestinians for Gazan


The situation for the people in Gaza is dire. Two million people have lost access to basic necessities such as food, water, medicine, and shelter. As the attacks on Gaza continue, prices for resources such as medicine, blankets, sleeping bags, and tents have grown exponentially. The One Body Initiative was founded with the purpose of distributing these resources to families in need by a small network of local volunteers on the ground.

Grassroots organizations in Gaza, such as the One Body Initiative, are more nimble and can get the much-needed help to those who were displaced more quickly.

Gaza is under full blockade, which makes it hard for international organizations to intervene. We found ways to get donations to our direct relatives and friends in Gaza who started this initiative. So far we’ve successfully sent almost $10,000! A huge win in the face of Israel’s plan to isolate Gaza.

Your donation to this fund will go towards the purchase and distribution of medicine, blankets, sleeping bags, diapers, food, and building tents for those who have been left in need in the wake of this genocide.

It costs 200$ to build a tent and provide a mattress and pillows, including transporting the materials and labor.

You can make donations at this GoFundMe page. Feel free to contact Fatima at (984)-312-9527 and Asmaa at +1 (828) [phone redacted] for any questions.

Check out yahya.alqassas Instagram page for videos from Gaza