Wir packen’s an

Emergency help for refugees


Another year has passed in which people were trapped outside the walls of Europe in cold, hunger and misery. Once again, Germany and the European Union stood idly by and a policy of isolation and ignorance was pushed forward. The war in Ukraine has once again shown how selectively human rights and solidarity are interpreted in the EU. While some receive the protection they deserve in Europe, others receive obstacles repeatedly and are denied basic asylum and human rights. They are locked away, illegally deported or subjected to life-threatening conditions on the move. And in the midst of all these injustices, a cozy Christmas season is supposed to come now?

The Berlin-Brandenburg aid organisation Wir packen’s an states: It is time to set an audible sign for solidarity without borders with people on the run, especially at the end of the year. Therefore, they are looking forward to vocal support on this Sunday, 04.12.2021 at 4 pm in front of the Berlin Bundestag building. Several choirs and musicians will contribute their own music and together with all visitors they will sing two songs against the #heartfailure of German and European migration politics.

Among others, DŸSE (mixed genre/noise rock), Nicolás Rodrigo Miquea, Hans-Beimler-Chor, One Voice Chor, OK!choir, Shantycrew Kreuzberg, Berliner Resonanz Chor, Richards Träumchen 59, Berliner Rattenchor, as well as the Sea-Punks (sea rescue) with a speech.

Stop Europe’s #heartfailure!