Letter from the Editors, 14th September 2023

Hello everyone, Today (Friday) is the latest Global Climate Strike. The climate crisis is here. It can no longer be ignored. We feel it in all areas of life. But politicians continue to do nothing. The German government is delaying, blocking and preventing climate protection. Germany is far from living up to its historic responsibility […]


Hello everyone,

Today (Friday) is the latest Global Climate Strike. The climate crisis is here. It can no longer be ignored. We feel it in all areas of life. But politicians continue to do nothing. The German government is delaying, blocking and preventing climate protection. Germany is far from living up to its historic responsibility to the Global South. Many people are frustrated by the political standstill. We want to change that. In a broad civil society alliance, we will take to the streets on September 15. The majority of society still and now more than ever wants ambitious climate protection and thus social justice. Join the demonstration at Brandenburger Tor at midday.

At 4pm, also on Friday, an anti-colonial Climate protest will be starting at Oranienplatz. Join us on the streets in solidarity for an Anti-Colonial Climate Justice protest alongside our siblings and communities in the global majority. This is an intersectional global struggle; its facets are interconnected. Abolish Frontex, bring down the walls of fortress and lets break the borders between us to free Palestine, Kurdistan, Sudan, Abyala, Balochistan and libration in the rest of the world. In solidarity and empowerment, let us always keep in mind: “The people united will never ever be defeated.”

On Saturday, Christian fundamentalist and right-wing nationalist opponents of the right to sexual determination are once more staging a so-called “March for Life” in Berlin-Mitte. They are demanding a total ban of abortions and are agitating against non-heterosexual couples or families, and the diversity of sexual identities. Thousands of right-wing fundamentalists will be marching through Berlin. In response, the Bündnis für Sexuelle Selbstbestimmung has called a demonstration Live and Love without Paternalism. Take to the streets for sexual self-determination for all. It starts at Brandenburger Tor at midday. If you want to join like-minded people, you can march with the Berlin LINKE Internationals.

On Sunday, at 2pm, it’s the latest Berlin LINKE Internationals walking tour. This month it’s the 123rd anniversary edition of Unrest in Moabit. When we picture riots in Berlin, we all think of Kreuzberg. But 77 years before the Neighborhood Uprising in Kreuzberg, Moabit saw the biggest riots in the city’s history. In 1910, a run-of-the-mill strike by coalmen escalated. Within a week, up to 30,000 workers were on the streets fighting against police. This week of street battles became known as the Moabit Unrest.  The tour starts at 2pm at the Amtsgericht, near U-Bhf Turmstraße.  Follow the link above to register. More information will be sent to everyone who has registered on Saturday.

On Tuesday, Gabriela Germany is organising the first of 2 sessions of a Free Online Mental Health Training-Workshop for women with migration background! Among the most vulnerable groups that were affected by the crisis brought by the COVID-19 were migrant women. Many migrant women, especially BIPOCs (Black, Indigenous and People of Colour), suffer from isolation, anxiety and depression over accumulating loans and interest payments, loss of livelihoods, or the prospect of having to return to- or stay locked down in abusive or violent environments. Register here. Gabriela’s Mental Health Training Workshops are our Campaign of the Week.

There are many more activities this week in Berlin, which are listed on our Events page. You can also see a shorter, but more detailed list of events which we are directly involved in here.

In News from Berlin, Deutsche Wohnen & Co Enteignen activists talk about the next steps towards expropriation, a combination of gentrification, Covid, and motorway extinction is threatening Berlin’s club culture, and 20 arson attacks by neo-Nazis have been reported in Neu-Hohenschönhausen in the last 18 months.

In News from Germany, Sahra Wagenknecht is one step closer towards launching a new party, 42.1% vote for the AfD in the first round of mayoral elections in Nordhausen in Thüringen, anonymous forensics for rape victims extended, and Germany’s new heating law comes into effect at the beginning of next year.

Read all about it in this week’s News from Berlin and Germany.

New on theleftberlin this week, Polish socialist Andrzej Żebrowski calls for opposition to all imperialisms, East and West, we publish a translation of the Bündnis für Sexuelle Selbstbestimmung’s Call to Action against the fundamentalist “March for Life”, Tanzanian human rights lawyer Joseph Oleshangay reports on his country’s latest round of repression, and Dr. John Puntis reports from a recent European conference on Saving Public Health.

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If you would like to contribute any articles or have any questions or criticisms about our work, please contact us at team@theleftberlin.com. And please do encourage your friends to subscribe to this Newsletter.

Keep on fighting,

The Left Berlin Editorial Board